Castor oil is a viscous yellow-coloured oil with a neutral scent, commonly used in recipes for soap, and skin and hair treatments. Castor oil has an unusual fatty acid profile, and is a valuable ingredient to any natural skincare recipe.
Castor oil is extracted from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant, a native to tropical areas of Asia and Africa. The oil is usually extracted from the seeds before going through the heating process. This heating process deactivates the toxic enzymes within the oil, allowing it to be used safely.
It’s a common ingredient in soaps & hair care to give your hair a real shine. Not forgetting, our production in India supports countless communities in the harvesting and extraction process.
Castor oil is also used in lip care products. Our castor oil is 100% pure and hexane free.
<p><a href="">Allergen Declaration Castor Oil BP Cold Pressed</a></p>
<p><a href="">MSDS Castor Oil BP Cold Pressed </a></p>
<p><a href="">Specification Castor Oil BP Cold Pressed</a></p>
<p><a href="">Castor Oil BP Cold Pressed COA .</a></p>
Allergen Declaration Castor Oil BP Cold Pressed
MSDS Castor Oil BP Cold Pressed
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